Introducing the SubCon Princess Women's Team, a vibrant addition to the local sports community, driven by passion, unity, and an unwavering love for the game. Formed recently, our team embodies the collective spirit of our players, who exhibit boundless dedication and enthusiasm for football. In a testament to our hard work and dedication, we are proud to announce that we clinched the Runners Cup for AKCAF 2024, a significant milestone in the history of SubCon Women's Team. This achievement reflects not only our prowess on the field but also our unwavering resolve to excel in the sport we love. With each victory, we reaffirm our commitment to playing with integrity, sportsmanship, and an indomitable spirit that sets us apart. Join us as we embark on this thrilling journey, ready to conquer new challenges and write the next chapter in the storied legacy of the SubCon Princess Women's Team.